
Verizon’s latest privacy wrecking ploy: An unblockable supercookie that lets anyone track you on the internet

Verizon’s latest privacy wrecking ploy: An unblockable supercookie that lets anyone track you on the internet

The tracking cookie appears to be part of Verizon’s Precision Market Insights program, which started way back in 2012. AT&T has been testing a similar supercookie, but so far it seems only Verizon has rolled it out network-wide. The tracking cookie, as you can probably guess, allows Verizon to track almost everything that you do on the internet, and then sell that behavioral data to advertisers. While it’s utterly heinous that you can’t opt out, it gets worse: Verizon’s implementation of the supercookie is so sloppy that any third party can also use the cookie to track your behavior. Clearly, privacy is something that only happens on other carriers.

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Microsoft is implementing Apple-like trackpad gestures in Windows 10

Microsoft is implementing Apple-like trackpad gestures in Windows 10

Sure, you’ve been able to tap and swipe with Windows before, but some of the more advanced gestures we’ve seen in Mac OS X are now making their way into Microsoft’s extremely popular operating system. It’s definitely borrowing heavily from Apple, but that shouldn’t matter for end users. This is a big jump forward in Windows usability on trackpads, so it’s worth stealing a little bit of “magic” from Apple.

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New Google, and Larry Page’s continuing mission to explore strange new technologies

New Google, and Larry Page’s continuing mission to explore strange new technologies

Meanwhile, in a rare interview with Google’s search chief Amit Singhal, he says that Google search will one day be the “perfect personal assistant giving you benefit of all technical knowledge, enhancing your thought processes.” Clearly, Google is now painting its future with very broad strokes — but what image might resolve from those marks, I don’t think anybody knows.

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Nintendo wants to watch you sleep

Nintendo wants to watch you sleep

Nintendo has unveiled new details about its "QOL" platform, which stands for "quality of life" and includes a line of health-focused devices. The first will be a bedside sensor that tracks your sleep, sends the data up to the cloud for analysis, and produces suggestions to help you get more rest.

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