
Apple Redoubles Efforts to Fix iOS 8 Glitches

Apple Redoubles Efforts to Fix iOS 8 Glitches

Apple on Thursday announced it's preparing iOS 8.0.2 -- which will include a fix for problems triggered by iOS 8.0.1 -- and plans to release it in the next few days. In a rare move, Apple on Wednesday suspended downloads of iOS 8.0.1, which aimed to fix problems uncovered after the launch of iOS 8.

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Banks, Businesses Scramble to Smash Bash Shellshock Bug

Banks, Businesses Scramble to Smash Bash Shellshock Bug

Banks and businesses toiled over the weekend to crush a bug in a widely used open source operating system. The flaw has been in Unix for some 25 years, but it was revealed just last week. If exploited by an attacker, the vulnerability in BASH (Bourne-Again SHell) could be used to inject malicious code or take command of a system or device.

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