WiFi security, WPA3

WiFi security, WPA3

WiFi security, WPA3

Today across the globe, wifi routers are more than just its inhabitants. Billions of devices are in operation and they are as vulnerable as you can not imagine. Part of the responsibility lies in the technology itself based on 2004.

Even these obsolete routers, with a 16-32-character password, could even smash the most capable hacker who would not be able to break them. Of course nobody uses 32 characters.

Because half the responsibility is users, because users use codes like 123456, the companies have decided to protect them by introducing the WPA3 security standard.

We will not go into terrible technical details but we will tell you that the new model will save them from the easily predictable password that they wrongly choose. And because instead of the router sitting passively and endure the hacker's guesses until it's broken, WPA3 will require an extra step of communicating with the router in every guess, making the process much more difficult.

Finally, according to the alliance of companies behind the Wifi standard, WPA3 will make it much simpler to connect devices to one another, such as a network and a printer, even for devices without screens. The process will be completed very simply and safely by scanning QR codes and the devices will communicate immediately.